Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Adults with Learning Disabilities Essay

The discourse of ‘learning disabilities’ is now being used to challenge a wide range of acts and practices, including violence and intimidation, non-consenting sexual acts, the bullying of less resilient people by more able service users, unacceptably deprived physical or social environments and financial exploitation or fraud. Some argue that it should include all abuses of human rights. Clearly, these issues are not new as the following essay illustrates, and historically some of these practices have been hidden within service cultures while others have been quite open but variously rationalized as ‘behavior modification’, ‘relationships’, ‘control and restraint’, or ‘not giving in to attention seeking’. Abuse was regarded as a central, and inevitable, feature of institutionalized provision in influential models such as that of Goffman (1961) and Wolfensberger (1975 and 1980) within an analysis whose focus was on organizations and ideology. The new discourse is much more personalized and within it the focus is on the experience of the victim. This has some advantages for individuals and highlights some dilemmas for service organizations. It makes clear that people with learning disabilities are harmed, as any individual would be, by personal or sexual violence or exploitation. Harm is deemed equivalent whoever has caused it, for example whether it has been perpetrated by another service user, a member of staff or a stranger. This way of framing harmful acts highlights conflicts of interest between service users: the discourse of ‘challenging behavior’ for example, designed to neutralize the stigma of difficult behavior, inadvertently deflects from and discounts the experience of those on the receiving end of difficult behavior. Naming these acts as abusive confronts service agencies with the need for specialized, safe (expensive) placements for those who present a risk to others. Men with learning disabilities who have difficult sexual behaviors, for example, are often placed alongside very vulnerable people, their needs for asylum taking precedence over the safety of more vulnerable people (Thompson and Brown 1998). But while this acknowledgement is a step forward for individuals ,the new discourse risks personalizing forms of mistreatment that arise out of societal and structural inequalities. At an individual level, when issues of power are overlooked or neutralized, abusive and exploitative interactions can be explained away as relationships of choice. At a service level, new fault-lines between agencies and between purchasers, providers and regulators set up contingencies that make abuse more likely and less visible. At a societal level, there is growing inequality between the pay and working conditions of managerial, professional and so-called ‘unqualified’ staff within and across the statutory, private (for-profit) and voluntary (not-for-profit) sectors. Gender and race exacerbate the unequal position of direct care staff and the disproportionate responsibility that falls on them. This paper divides into two parts. First, I shall review the current usage of the term ‘learning disabilities’, looking at how it is being defined and categorized. Second, I will outline what is emerging as good practice in this field. WHAT DOES A LEARNING DISABILITY LOOK LIKE? Let me explain this with an exaomple: Sara’s lifelong difficulty with reading and writing had nothing to do with not being â€Å"smart. † Most individuals who have a learning disability are of average to above average intelligence and therefore have the intellectual potential to succeed at school and in careers. But they often do not reach this potential. While effort and motivation are important for success, it is clearly unfair to say of someone with a learning disability that he or she â€Å"just needs to try harder. † No matter how hard Sara worked, her problems did not go away. We know that a learning disability is caused by specific dysfunction within the central nervous system. The central nervous system, made up of the brain and the spinal cord, controls everything we do: our ability to process and think about language and to express ourselves verbally, as well as our ability to process nonverbal information, including art or music. Sara’s symptoms included reversing or rotating numbers (6 for 9), letters (b for d;p for q), and words (was for saw; on for no) when writing; omitting letters and sounds; and making sound and word substitutions when reading (tril for trial;then for there). Such problems make it difficult to decode words, and these decoding errors are most evident when reading aloud. Though never diagnosed, Sara’s symptoms became evident in first grade, when formal reading instruction began. As we learn to read we must of course master the alphabet, which is like a code, and learn the relationship between letters and sounds. Reading is a process of decoding the clusters of letters, converting them into words, and then attaching meaning to the words. In many cases, problems with phonological processing the ability to receive, transform, remember, and retrieve the sounds of oral language interfere with the acquisition of reading skills. Phonological processing involves the ability to separate a word into its component parts or blend sounds to construct a word. Problems with these skills make it very hard for the beginning reader to achieve fluency. Comprehension of written material depends on accurate and fluent decoding, a good vocabulary, and comprehension of the grammatical structure of sentences. When these skills are not developed that is, when they are slow and labored — the reader must devote more energy and effort to identifying and comprehending each individual word, rather than constructing meaning from an entire paragraph or from general context. For many years, researchers believed that the reader automatically moved from reading the words on a page to comprehending, without participating in the process of constructing meaning. But recent research points to the fact that the reader plays an active role: using background knowledge about the subject, calling on appropriate strategies for both decoding and comprehension, and applying the right amount of attention and concentration. Reading strategies are now considered essential components of the reading process. These might include paraphrasing while reading or summarizing afterward to help with comprehension. Competent readers are able to evaluate the reading task and select strategies that are a â€Å"good fit† or match to the task. In Sara’s case, she read slowly and had to reread material several times, so she found it difficult to comprehend content or recall important facts when questioned about them later. Unlike good readers, she did not rely on strategies that could help her. She also struggled with writing. Many times she was ashamed to submit patient reports because she knew they were filled with spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors and were not organized or structured well. Her reports never reflected her knowledge or keen insight into patient care. Writing problems can be seen at any age, although they become more evident as academic or work demands increase. While Sara knew what she wanted to say, she had trouble getting started, focusing on the essential facts, and editing effectively. She tended to use the same words over and over. This was so different from her spoken language, which was rich and varied. Not surprisingly, it took her a long time and a good deal of effort to complete her reports. Her mathematical skills, though, were more than adequate. But there are people with learning disabilities who have problems understanding mathematical concepts or difficulty solving verbal or written mathematical problems. These problems may stem from more than one source, including inadequate spatial or directional sense and difficulty understanding abstract symbols or the language of mathematics. To use a basic example, someone who does not have a good understanding of concepts such as â€Å"plus† and â€Å"minus† is going to find it hard to identify the process needed to solve a mathematical problem. Learning strategies will be of great help to this person. Sara was also troubled by her erratic performance at work. Some days, she would be fine. But when she was fatigued or stressed, she found her attention was poor and she made more than the usual number of errors. At these times, she did not feel in control and usually needed to take a break and call on the support of friends to help her get back on track. While Sara felt her social life to be strength, some individuals who have learning disabilities have difficulty in social situations because they cannot perceive others’ needs and make or keep friends. Relationships with family and friends and associates on the job may suffer. As a way of compensating, an individual may avoid social situations altogether and thus become isolated. Others may struggle with low self-esteem and a lack of assertiveness, which can lead to self-fulfilling prophecies of failure. Moreover, repeated negative experiences in school and at home can discourage an individual from even trying. Many individuals who have learning disabilities have difficulty planning ahead and then evaluating their performance in academic courses or work-related tasks. Planning involves the ability to determine the outlines of a task and the skills it will require. Planning helps us generate strategies or know when to ask for outside help. We are not always conscious of initiating this type of planning because so many tasks are performed automatically, such as remembering a frequently called phone number by using a mnemonic, or writing notes in a book or on a memo. But when tasks are new or complex, active planning is needed. Other learning problems may stem from an inability to manage one’s time effectively to get something done on schedule. For example, many college students do not leave sufficient time to research and write a term paper, and end up frantically completing it the night before it is due. Or a manager may delay writing a budget or marketing report, finding it hard to begin. In order to use strategies at school, at home, or on the job, we need to be aware of ourselves as learners. Researchers have suggested that each of us has our own built-in executive function that directs and controls our actions. If this â€Å"executive† is efficient and aware of individual skills and the strategies needed to accomplish a task, the appropriate plan of action can be put into effect. If the plan is unsuccessful, then the executive reevaluates and initiates a new course of action. Individuals who have learning disabilities have a less efficient executive, the theory goes, and are therefore less able to generate and use effective strategies in their personal and professional lives. In addition to learning disabilities, a large number of adults suffer from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD affects an individual’s ability to focus and concentrate on school or work tasks, and to make good use of strategies. The struggle to achieve is so much harder with the added burden of ADHD. Although external factors do not cause a learning disability, we know that they do play a significant role in learning. It is well documented that the environment we live and work in influences and helps to shape our learning patterns, behavior, and sense of self. Research has consistently shown that the type and quality of support provided both at school and within the home are strong determinants of success in school, at work, or in one’s personal life. For example, a supportive family, early identification of learning problems, and appropriate intervention may make all the difference in helping an individual compensate for the disability. Learning disabilities are found throughout the world and in all socioeconomic groups — they are not bound by culture or language. Approximately the same numbers of males as females have learning disabilities, and the problem tends to run in families. Many prominent figures in politics, science, and the arts are reported to have had a learning disability, among them Nelson Rockefeller, Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Auguste Rodin. Einstein, for example, was described as having difficulty learning a foreign language and mathematics — of all things! He also struggled with other academic subjects and with writing. All adults face the challenges and rewards of employment, home and family, leisure pursuits, community involvement, emotional and physical health, and personal responsibility and relationships. Adults who have learning disabilities must manage these life demands with an added set of problems. Society expects adults to be self-supporting, to function within a community, and to exhibit appropriate social behavior. Typically, to be self-supporting one must be employed. Employment for most adults spans a long period of time. It may begin with the exit from high school and continue for fifty or more years. While research on the employment of adults who have learning disabilities is sparse, and the findings that are available reflect the heterogeneity of the population, the information reported is unfortunately discouraging. It suggests that individuals with learning disabilities, as a group, show higher rates of unemployment, have jobs of lower status, receive lower pay, and change jobs more frequently than those without learning disabilities. Of course, there are many individuals at all levels of the workforce who do attain professional success. Further, there are well-documented accounts of persons with learning disabilities throughout history who have made significant contributions to society, among the most notable being Einstein, Edison, Churchill, and Rockefeller. It is important to keep in mind that adults who have learning disabilities who have above average intelligence, come from middle to higher economic backgrounds, and/or have completed postsecondary education, have higher rates of employment, higher job status, and greater job satisfaction than this research indicates. Those who graduate from college are much more likely to hold professional or managerial positions, for example, than those who have only a high school diploma. What makes success on the job so difficult for some people with learning disabilities? For one thing, persistent problems with reading, writing, and arithmetic can interfere with their work. Many report that they continue to struggle with decoding skills, sight vocabulary, and reading rate. Banking tasks and money management often bring out their troubles with arithmetic. Spelling is frequently reported to be the biggest problem of all. The level of basic skills that is required in the current job market is expanding to include more abstract abilities. Employers want their workers not only to be proficient in basic skills but also to be able to use these skills effectively and efficiently to solve on-the-job problems. Employers want the people they hire to be able to read for information, to analyze and synthesize the material, and apply the material read to on-the-job situations. They further expect employees to analyze problems, formulate solutions, and communicate that process, in writing, to others. Workplace mathematics, like reading and writing, also requires identification of the problem, analysis, and then the ability to find a solution. Employers further expect good interpersonal skills. The ability to use technology and information systems is becoming more essential as well. To do all of these things efficiently and effectively, workers must have mastered basic skills and be able to apply thinking skills. They also need personal qualities such as individual responsibility, self-esteem, and self management. The nature of a learning disability may affect the development of some of these competencies. For example, because of years of struggle and failure, self-esteem may be low and self-monitoring skills may not be functioning effectively. Employers often do not understand what a learning disability is, thus making it even more difficult for the adults with learning disabilities whom they supervise. Because employers cannot â€Å"see† the disability and may have limited knowledge about learning disabilities, they may find it difficult to understand that the problems are real. Therefore, they may fail to provide the necessary accommodations and supportive environment. They may often fail to recognize that, with assistance, workers who have learning disabilities may be tremendous assets to the company. A learning disability is a lifelong condition. Some adults, by the time they have completed their formal education, have learned to compensate for their difficulties. For many others, difficulties continue and to varying degrees impact on careers, social relationships, and activities of daily living. There are adults who were diagnosed as children and received services under the guidelines of PL 94-142. But more and more adults, who never knew why school was so hard, are now addressing the problem by initiating an assessment and seeking services to help them cope with their disabilities. Adults who have learning disabilities are a heterogeneous group. Some struggle with reading and writing, some with mathematical tasks, some with the basic challenges of daily life. There are adults who have learning disabilities who have trouble finding and keeping a job; others are professionally successful yet cannot seem to develop a satisfying social life. And there are those who seem to have few problems as they successfully negotiate the range of life’s demands. Adults who have learning disabilities are not merely children with learning disabilities grown up. The impact of having a learning disability differs at each stage of development. And adulthood itself has many stages, each with its unique challenges. Satisfaction or dissatisfaction at one stage does not guarantee the same degree of adjustment at another. At one point, the adult might deal with self-identity, at another with employment and economic independence, and still another with personal responsibility and relationships. As a group, adults who have learning disabilities represent a broad spectrum of the population. We see individuals of different ages, from different socioeconomic, ethnic, and cultural groups. We see different clusters of social and learning problems that affect education, social, personal, and occupational adjustments. The field now recognizes the unique needs of the adult who has learning disabilities, and as such has responded by providing legal protection, programs, services, and an ever-developing information base. Where do we stand today? References: Erikson, E. H. 1968. Identity: Youth and crisis. New York: Norton. Hallahan, D. P. , Lloyd, J. W. , Kauffman, J. M. , Weiss, M. P. , & Martinez, E. A. (2005). Learning disabilities: Foundations, characteristics, and effective teaching (3rd ed. ). Toronto: Pearson Education, Inc. Johnson, D. J. , & Blalock, J. W. (1987). Adults with learning disabilities: Clinical studies. Orlando: Grune & Stratton. Jordan, D. R. (1996). Teaching adults with learning disabilities. The professional practices in adult education and human resource development series. Malabar, Fla: Krieger Pub. Shapiro, J. , & Rich, R. (1999). Facing learning disabilities in the adult years. New York: Oxford University Press. Wong, B. Y. L. (1998). Learning about learning disabilities. San Diego: Academic Press.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Most Serene about venice

,† is an improbable cityscape of stone palaces that seem to float on water, a place where cats nap on Oriental marble windowsills set in colorful plaster walls. Candy-striped pylons stand sentry outside the tiny stone docks of palazzi whose front steps descend into the gently lapping waters of the canals that lace the city. In Venice, cars are banned every form of transportation floats, from water taxis and vaporetti (the public â€Å"bus† ferries) to ambulance speedboats and garbage scows.Venice is a place where locals stop at the bacaro (wine bar) to take un ombra (literally a little bit of shade,† in practice, a glass of wine) and munch on cicchetti (tapasllke snacks) or linger over exquisite restaurant seafood dinners. It is also a city of great art and grand old masters. Venetian painting featured early masters such as the Bellini clan Jacopo from the 1420s, sons Giovanni and Gentile from the 1460s.By the early 15005, Venice had taken the Renaissance torch fro m Florence and made it its own, lending the movement the new color and lighting schemes of such giants as Giorgione, Tiziano (Titian), Paolo Veronese, and Tintoretto. So much for Venice the Serenissima. There's also Venice the insanely popular and overcrowded. Certainly, the tourists can seem inescapable, and prices can be double or triple here what they are elsewhere In Italy. But visitors flock to this canalled wonder for very good reason: Venice is extraordinary, It Is magical, and It Is worth every cent.Its existence defies logic, but underneath its otherworldly beauty and sometimes-stifling tourism, Venice is a living, breathing, singular city that seems almost too exquisite to be genuine, too fragile to survive the never-ending stream of visitors who have been making the pilgrimage ere for 1,500 years. As barbarian hordes washed back and forth across the Alps during the decline of the Roman Empire (starting in the 4th c. ) inhabitants of the Veneto flatlands grew tired of bein g routinely sacked and pillaged along the way.By the 6th century, many had begun moving out onto the mud-flat Islands of the marshy lagoon, created by what was in ancient times the Po River delta, to take up fishermen's lines or trading ships. When they saw that one barbarian horde, the Lombards, had stayed to settle the upper Po valley (still called Lombardy), these Veneti decided to remain on their new sland homes and ally themselves instead with the eastern remnant of the old Roman Empire, Byzantium. Oddly, what we now consider central Venice was the last area settled.After Attila the Hun rampaged through, citizens of the Roman town of Altino moved out onto Torcello ironic, since Torcello's star has long since fallen and it is now the least built-up of all of greater Venice's major inhabited islands. Townsfolk from Oderzo moved to Malamocco and made it the lagoon's political capital (the original site is now underwater, and the Malamocco that survives nearby is a fishing village on the outhern stretch of the Lido, near the golf course).After barely defeating Charlemagne's son Pepin there in 810, the capital was moved to the more protected Rialto islands now central Venice. Greater Venice's oldest surviving structure is the cathedral on Torcello, founded in 639, but today's site is largely from the 9th and 10th centuries. In fact, sparsely populated Torcello is one of the best glimpses into what early Venice must have looked like scattered buildings and canals banked by waving rushes and reeds, everything outlined by the dotted lines of wooden piles hammered down into the ud.This construction is what underlies all those stone palazzi of central Venice: a framework foundation of sunken tree trunks, hammered down into the caranto (a solid clay layer under the surface of mud and sand) and preserved in the anaerobic atmosphere of their muddy tomb, overlain with Istrian stone. As its power began to peak in the early 13th century, Venice led the fourth and most su ccessful Crusade, capturing Constantinople itself. It went on to conquer territories across what are today Turkey, the Greek Isles, and Crete and eventually became the apital of Italy's inland provinces, now the Veneto, Trentino, and Friuli.By 1300, it was one of the largest cities and the leading maritime republic of Europe and the Mediterranean. Although the Black Death carried off over half the population from 1347 to 1350, Venice bounced back and remained a maritime power until the 18th century, when trade through the new American colonies would increasingly steal much of the city's thunder. By the end of the 18th century, Venice had run out of steam commercially, not to mention militarily, after centuries spent fghting the Turks (who slowly regained most f Venice's Aegean and Greek territories).By the time Napoleon came along in 1797, the Venetian Republic offered little resistance. Napoleon gave control of Venice to Austria, under whose rule it remained for almost 70 years. Da niele Manin did stage an unsuccessful minirevolution in 1848 and 1849, during which Venice was privileged to become the first city attacked from the air by a fleet of hot-air balloons armed with long-fused time bombs. The Risorgimento (unification) movement and its king, Vittorio Emanuele II, defeated the Austrians, gained control of the Veneto, and made t a part of the newly minted state of Italy in 1866.In its position at the crossroads of the Byzantine and Roman later Eastern and Western worlds, Venice, over many centuries, acquired a unique amalgamated heritage of art, architecture, and culture. And although hordes of traders and merchants no longer pass through as they once did, Venice nonetheless continues to find itself at a crossroads: an intersection in time between the uncontested period of afloat. It is a great disservice to allot Venice the average stay of 2 nights and 3 days (it ometimes takes the better part of a day Just to find your hotel).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Brittany maynard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Brittany maynard - Essay Example This itself becomes a testament to the fear of not complete living, which is what Brittany Maynard’s husband feared in the first place. Overall, the ethics regarding euthanasia and tube feeding are going to be very imperative in the future. Medical professionals must have a balanced approach to tackle these issues that will continue to be prevalent in near sight. In accordance to Oregon state law regarding death with dignity, a brain tumor is recorded as the official cause of death on her death certificate. For example in which a patient is explicit in their decision making. In Brittany Maynard case, this was true. As a matter of fact, when a patient denies treatment- it is the moral obligation of the medical professional to question the motives and the justification to not be provided with treatment. It was clear that medical professionals do have the right to indulge in this issue, even if seems to be highly personal. Maynard married Daniel Esteban, who did not have much say in this say. I felt that he should give his perspective on this issue. Confronting Death: Who Chooses? Who Controls? A Dialogue between Dax Cowart and Robert Burt . (n.d.). Digital Common Laws. Retrieved August 11, 2014, from

Sunday, July 28, 2019


THE ARGUMENTS SURROUNDING ROLE OF WOMEN IN CHURCH LEADERSHIP - Essay Example However, the dissenting side of this argument takes texts such as Galatians 3:28 which states, â€Å"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus† (NIV). Such a text stands in stark contrast to the other previously mentioned texts which seem to speak out with regards to the role of women in positions of church leadership (Shade 2008, p. 25). As such, in order to reconcile such differing interpretations, the role of the Christian should be to seek to find the common ground that Christ’s example led while on earth. Whereas the disciples were merely representations of the Holy Spirit’s voice, Christ during his earthy ministry was the ultimate representation of the will of the Father. However, during his time on earth Jesus ultimately refrained from making broad or sweeping judgments that would segregate the sexes with regards to what functions they could perform (Bates 2011, p. 7). Instead, there are numerous instances in which he actively sought to promote the equality of women throughout a very tribal and primitive culture to which he ministered. For such a reason, it is the belief of this author that texts such as Galat ians 3:28 should be held as the ultimate standard for whether or not women should be able to be considered for positions of church leadership (Hamman 2010, p.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

IN the poem Theodore Roethe's My Papa's Waltz Choose a significant Essay

IN the poem Theodore Roethe's My Papa's Waltz Choose a significant word and find 3 different definitions and relate their uses back to the poem - Essay Example However, the word ‘beat’ used in the fourth stanza stands out to me as particularly meaningful. This word has several listed meanings within the American Heritage Dictionary. The three that seem particularly relevant associate this word with the concept of violence, the concept of music and the concept of exhaustion. The American Heritage Dictionary offers as its first definition of the word ‘beat’ as â€Å"to strike repeatedly; to subject to repeated beatings or physical abuse, batter; to punish by hitting or whipping, flog† (2003). This definition seems to infuse the poem with an undertone of violence that is reinforced by other words that have this same meaning. These include the ideas of ‘battered’ that is used both in the above definition as well as in Roethke’s third stanza as he indicates the battered condition of his father’s hand. This condition indicates that the man is accustomed to fighting and violence and has little or no reluctance to use this same force within the home as the small boy is scraped against the father’s belt buckle, another image for many children of violence as it is the belt that was often used as a direct means of punishment for young boys who broke the rules. The idea of violence suggested by the definition o f the word ‘beat’ is also found in the first stanza when the speaker confesses that he found it necessary to hang on â€Å"like death† (3) in order to avoid injury during these wild dances he shared with his father. The second meaning of the word ‘beat’ offered by the American Heritage Dictionary is focused on the concept of sound. Specifically, this meaning is defined as â€Å"to strike so as to produce music or a signal; to mark or count (time or rhythm), especially with the hands or with a baton† (2003). This seems to be the intended meaning of the word as it is used in the obvious context of the poem as the speaker

Friday, July 26, 2019

Political Environment Case Study Analysis Research Paper

Political Environment Case Study Analysis - Research Paper Example It encourages a series of revenge by the wrong doer to the society and thus crime is not stopped (Honderich, 1969). I would, therefore, try to show the sense in my program and its benefit in the long run when the inmates are incorporated in the society as rehabilitated. This way, the governor may understand it and convince, through his political power, his followers who might be tempted to be against the current program. This will be easier for him since the project has already won the hearts of the citizens. The programs for providing educational, vocational and treatment opportunities have not only gained national attention, but have led to the reduction of recidivism by 30 percent. My department will attempt to convince the governor that, this way, he will gain his political mileage even if it means associating the program with him. 2. Is there any room to negotiate with the governor? As a trade-off, would you offer to put in place some programs that are known to be tough on inmat es? If so, what kind? There is room to negotiate with the governor since the programs cannot be implemented without his support. The difference, between the governor’s ideology and the ideology behind the programs being implemented, is that the governor wants retributive justice while the program is working on restorative justice. In restorative justice, the main concern is making the victim whole and reintegrating the offender into the society through education, vocational training and humane treatment (Duff & Garland, 1994). This way, the offender is treated like other citizens and is given a chance to rehabilitate and understand the effect his offense has done to the victim. This approach does not satisfy legal principles, but the victim takes an active role in the process while offenders repair the harm they have done by being rehabilitated (Konow, 2003). Effort will be made to convince the society on the effectiveness of the preferred theory of justice. Therefore, enough mechanism will be put in place to ensure correct protocols are used to approach the politician. This way, there will be no need of a trade off by reintroducing tough programs for the inmate. This is because; these tough programs will not work well with restorative justice approach, which is meant to treat inmates as leniently as possible when it comes to punishment. Since the program has some ends to achieve, they will desire, just like the offenders to do so â€Å"through cooperation with others on mutually acceptable terms† (Rawls, 1999, p. 266). 3. Before dismantling your policies and programs, would you attempt to see how much internal and external support you have for them? If yes, whom would you contact and how? Incase the worse get to be worst, and the program requires to be dismantled, we will give a chance to public opinion. Since the program in place has already won some support from the public, it will be significant to assess the internal and external support. Th is will be done with the hope that the governor will be convinced, and if he is a democrat, he will go by public opinion. For this case, I will contact institutions like media and others which conduct opinion polls to assess the public opinion on the programs.

How Can E-learning Play a Strategic Role in Fast-Growing Global Essay

How Can E-learning Play a Strategic Role in Fast-Growing Global Companies - Essay Example The researcher tates that most parts of the world are connected to the Internet and both children and adults have easy access to it. Also both the educated and the illiterate brows the Internet all over the world for one information, business or the other. Through these means college courses, long distance teaching, workshops and seminars have been conducted to different audiences from one part of the world to another with great successes. Today, things have become a lot better through the introduction of the Internet technology. Things have been made a lot easier with several training organizations – colleges, universities, firms, training and human resource consultancy organizations now having their own web sites; through their web sites the services they provide to individuals can be easily downloaded and accessed. From investigation, organizations locally here make use of e-learning method. Because of the importance of the courses to the organizations, the staffs are alway s intended take active part in the causes. Some of the reasons given for the active participation in the courses, seminars and workshops include the following: fear of losing their jobs if they did not, the courses did not have any cost implication on the individual employee, it adds to their knowledge and skills and many else presented in the essay. Based on the study conducted, the researcher suggests that the success of any organization using e-learning strategy will depend on the type or category of employees they have in their stable.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Medication Errors Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Medication Errors - Research Paper Example Nurses make errors when giving medications in any of these stages with most of the errors being done at the prescribing stage. Most errors that nurses do however are the administering errors that make up 26-32% of total medication errors (Unver et al, 2012). The most unfortunate thing about these errors is that they have not been intercepted by anyone but recent technological advancements focus on reducing them. It can be argued that most nurses do not conduct these errors knowingly as there are many factors that contribute to the medication errors. One factor that makes nurses make errors in administering medication is having wrong patient details. It is essential for a nurse to have all the information about a patient as it determines things like the dosage he or he is given. A patient can conceal to a nurse that he or she is allergic to various medication and in the event the nurse prescribes to the patient a medicine that would trigger an allergic reaction, a case of medication errors arises (Lan et al, 2014). Environmental factors also make nurses make medication errors. A nurse is likely to make a mistake in administering medication in working environments that are not conducive. There are high chances that a nurse working in a cluttered environment will make a medication error when administering or preparing drugs. If a nurse is preparing a drug in a poorly lit place, he or she will certainly make a mistake. The extensive learning that nursing students go through when learning does not make them be in a position where they can recognize and differentiate every drug in the market and this makes them confuse some drugs. There are incidents where nurses mistake certain drugs that have the same packaging and recommend them to innocent patient (Cheragi et al, 2013). To help reduce this confusion, the companies making these medicines should differentiate the drugs as much as

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Development of Harlem as a Cultural and Artistic Center for African Essay

Development of Harlem as a Cultural and Artistic Center for African Americans - Essay Example Harlem Renaissance Harlem Renaissance is a period of unprecedented artistic production by African-Americans (Beaulieu 395). The Harlem Renaissance is a representation of the Negro movement in the 1920s, which gave rise to revolutionized ways in which African-American artists would look at themselves and their work of art. It also represents the ways in which they would express themselves, musically, verbally or artistically. Beaulieu (396) notes that Harlem became a geographical center for the African-Americans who had migrated to the Northern Part of the United States in search of better opportunities than those they had on the south. He also notes that in Harlem the African Americans were able to live comfortably and found better working conditions. The African Americans were also able to obtain good education in schools that were very much superior to the ones in the southern part of the country. As a way of African Americans maintaining their identity, Harlem was nicknamed Ã¢â‚¬Ë œBlack Manhattan’ by one of its founders James Weldon Johnson. It has also been nicknamed by Claude McKay as ‘Negro Metropolis’ (Beaulieu 396). Significant Writers and Artists of Harlem Renaissance Anderson and Stewart (302) assert that there were a number of African American writers and poets of the Harlem Renaissance. ... oups, artistes, dancers, musicians, and performance of Harlem Renaissance include Josephine Baker, Paul Robenson, Florence Mills, Noble Sissle, and Eubie Blake. Locations and Roles of Jazz Venues Such As the Savoy Ballroom and the Cotton Club Savoy Ballroom The Savoy Ballroom in Harlem is located at 596 along Lenox Avenue, in between West140th and 141st Street in New York City USA. It was opened on Match 12th 1926 by Moses Galewski, Charles Galewski and Charles Buchanan a Harlem real estate businessperson who became the Savoy Ballroom business manger. It is situated within the second floor of the building and measures 200 feet long by 50 feet wide (Aberjhani and West 221). The venue is used as a battle of jazz bands and dance. For example in the 1927, the Savoy Ballroom staged a â€Å"Battle of Jazz† featuring King Oliver’s Jazz Dixie syncopates under leadership of Williams, Harlem stompers by Chick Webb among others. The venue has since then remained known for its famo us Jazz dance and performances across the United States of America (Aberjhani and West 221). Cotton Club Cotton club is located in Harlem, along 644 Lenox Avenue, West 142nd and 200 west, 48th street. It is also known as Club Deluxe. It was opened in 1920 as a jazz club (Aberjhani and West 221). The cotton club operates as a jazz performance venue in Harlem. For example, during the club inception in the 1920s it saw prominent jazz musicians, dancers and singers like Louis Armstrong and Ethel Waters, Bill Robinson, Ivie Anderson and Nicholas Brothers perform at the club. It has remained famous for Jazz since then (Aberjhani and West 221). Political and Religious Leaders and Movements that Were Centered In Harlem Beaulieu (396) notes that Harlem Renaissance had two influential political leaders. They

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The effects of high player turnover on marketing of minor league Thesis Proposal

The effects of high player turnover on marketing of minor league baseball and the perceptions of the fan experience - Thesis Proposal Example Meanwhile, observers normally reveal the baseball players’ inherent or innate ability over time (Rosner & Kenneth 199). Learning and revelation of intrinsic ability are commonplace in almost all sporting activities and occupations. The relationship between player turnover and marketing of minor league baseball underscore the importance of outstanding performance. Many baseball teams lose a significant amount of talent and revenue when high caliber players leave the baseball league. Such teams would, therefore, need a meticulous spring camp to prepare adequately for the next season. As a result, the marketing of minor league baseball is notably compromised, as well as the perceptions of the fan experience (Armour & Daniel 342). High player turnover not only affects the team’s performance during subsequent seasons but also impact its marketing approach, as well as that of the league in entirety. A positive effect on the baseball league will arguably improve its marketing approach and competitiveness. If the high player turnover negatively impacts the minor league baseball, the league consequently suffers a massive decline in its marketing goals and perceptions of the fan experience. Meanwhile, the minor league baseball could also attain considerable benefits from a high player turnover. For instance, many baseball teams in the league could still maintain their winning percentages despite high turnover differential (Fried et al. 49). Player experience also increases the batting average of minor league baseball players. The experience and reputation of incoming players would particularly influence baseball fans to rethink their arguably waning support for the league in the wake of high player turnover during a given season. Similarly, the quality and competence of players leaving the minor baseball league will positively or negatively affect their perceptions of the league (Fried et al. 49). Most

Monday, July 22, 2019

Culture of Madness Essay Example for Free

Culture of Madness Essay Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that enables individuals to engage in unruly behavior. It is a mental disorder that makes individuals deviate from social norms. In the years between 1920s and 1950s, schizophrenia was a general condition that was manifested by emotional disharmony and impacted negatively on the abilities of the white people with regard to thinking and feeling. Research article authors of psychiatric journals described schizophrenia patients as native-born-Americans of white European ancestry. Such patients were termed by psychiatric authors as harmless and instead needed psychotherapeutic care. In 1960s, schizophrenia was described as illness manifested by rage. Research articles asserted that it was a condition that afflicted the Negro men who were hostile and aggressive. These Negroes protested for their civil rights. The protests were organized by black power, black panthers, nation of Islam or other activist group. I disagree with the view that schizophrenia has got popular cultural expression. It is merely a mental disorder that is not influenced by either race or culture. According to Metzl in 1960s, schizophrenia patients were the Negro men, who were described as aggressive and hostile. In the real sense, the black Americans who were oppressed were not hostile neither did they act ragely. They raised their voices to be heard by Americans for a change of lifestyle, from oppression to freedom. In so doing, the black Americans were fighting for their rights as equal human beings since they wanted to be treated with equality. As discussed by Metzl, schizophrenia was associated with racism, thus biased. It was considered to be a disease of the black Americans since they expressed their feelings due to pressure exerted on them. They were out to fight for the state of affairs between the Americans and the Black Americans. Schizophrenia is feared in the current moment. Schizophrenia patients can act unruly in a given surrounding. These patients act to satisfy only their desires not considering the effect of their deeds on other people. They can behave in a way that interferes with other people’s daily life. For example, if the illness drives them to violent behavior, other people will leave what they were doing and deal with them first. Any activity that they engage in, they do it with all their strength and thus can be destructive and fierce. b) According to psychiatrists, schizophrenia is a biological mental illness expressed through defined symptoms like delusions whereby the patient thinks of invisibilities and acts according to his/her thoughts. It is also expressed through hallucinations where by the patient builds castles in the air and imagines that it is real life. The patients as well have disorganized speech whereby they mix issues which do not relate at all. They express catatonic behavior which is a disorganized behavior in a given environment, for instance relieving oneself in the open. Such symptoms are manifested in ways that are specific to the surrounding, assumptions and values of the schizophrenic individual. For instance, a schizophrenic individual can behave unruly in the midst of other people. He can violently attack a group of people for no good reason and cause alarm. This is because the patient is not able to control him/herself due to lack of mental coordination. He/she thus attracts attention of people who may be in the middle of serious events. A schizophrenic patient usually makes undesired assumptions particularly in a group of people. Whenever they see other people talk or laugh, they always think that they are being laughed at because of their condition. They can therefore attack them and end up harming them for no reason. Some usually assume that it’s their duty to perform any role anywhere. For example, some schizophrenic patients assume that it is their duty to clean every environment they are in. They therefore end up collecting wastes everywhere they go. Most schizophrenic patients think that a group of people behave in a certain manner to hurt them or because they want to go against their wishes intentionally. They are in a condition which cannot allow them to reason with the surrounding. They instead act negatively. For example, if a schizophrenic patient is always violent, the people around him and who knows his/her condition may decide to tie him or her with some ropes or lock the person in a house for some time. If he or she happens to see some people hold such ropes in another incident, he/she may try to get hold of the ropes as he/she thinks that he/she will still be tied up. On the contrary, this may not be case. As a matter of fact, the ropes might be for a different purpose. c) Symptoms of schizophrenia can be harmless if at all the assumptions; values and norms in the current setting are changed. This can only be achieved if there is freedom in all aspects of life of schizophrenic individuals. For instance, it can be assumed that, if one is talking to himself or herself, he or she is probably talking to the ancestors and should be allowed to do so. It can as well be assumed that if one behaves unruly, he/she is expressing some burning issues within him/herself. Therefore, with this kind of assumptions, nobody would criticize schizophrenic individuals and subsequently, they would have all the freedom they require to express themselves. Schizophrenia cannot cause any distress if the patients are given freedom of speech. For example, a schizophrenic person should not be shut down if he mixes ideas in a discussion. He should be understood the way he is and given time to express himself. In so doing, he will not feel neglected or weak in one way or another. Some may behave in a schizophrenic manner out of a bad experience they have had before. For example, one can become schizophrenic after a divorce or death of his/her partner. Within this context, such people need understanding and a shoulder to lean on so as to counteract the effects of what they are going through. Schizophrenic’s behavior should be termed normal in a surrounding so as not to cause distress. For example, some religions like Islam allow wife battery. Therefore when wife battery cases are encountered in a family with a schizophrenic husband, they are considered to be normal behavior. 2. Conceptual Tools Evans-Pritchard, E. E. (1987). â€Å"The Notion of Witchcraft explains Unfortunate Events,† Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande. Oxford: Clarendon Press. a) Constitution is in the making of man. It entails a set of laws or norms that are involved in structuring, creating and defining limits of power or authority possessed by government. A constitution is used to give states identify since all states that have got constitutions are referred to as constitutional states. In the context of phenomena, constitution is the process of using a category to create or come up with knowledge or perceptions about something. A description is very different from constitution in that whereas a description is the concerned with defining an item, constitution is creation of ideas, thoughts or shapes. Constitution is used to define the structuring or production process of anything. In the context of culture, the outcome of culture or that which is attributed to culture is considered as a product of the constitution process. On the other hand, definition of the meaning of culture and what it entails is termed as description. A distinction between constitution and description is realized in the description of witchcraft within the Zande community by Evans-Pritchard, 1987. The physiological state of a person that is linked to witchcraft is a mere description of the activity. On the other hand, a constitution is what will yield or be generated from witchcraft. Witchcraft from the wording itself is a mere description of some kind of psychic acts. However, constitution is what is synthesized from this act or from the notion itself. The reason why Evans-Pritchard has made this distinction is to show reality in the light of witchcraft within the Zande community. The Azande are so glued into linking everything with witchcraft; therefore, the writer tries to show distinction between reality and witchcraft by giving an elaborate distinction between description and constitution of categories. This way, he tries to change the notion of Azande from thinking that every mysterious thing that happens is due to witchcraft. In the context of reality and the internal knower, symbols and language are used to describe culture. The shift towards seeing categories as generative is seen through activities which are as a result of certain categories. A category is composed of certain elements with some common characteristics. It is the common characteristics that enable the categories to become active and achieve a certain goal. In the Zande community for example, witchcraft has been described as a psychic act. On the other hand, it has been solely associated with constituting unfortunate events among men. The objective description in this case is that witchcraft is associated with one’s physiological state. Evans-Pritchard believes that the physiological state used to describe witchcraft is nothing more than a passage of food through the small intestines. It is this objective definition of witchcraft that seems to be embedded in the shift of witchcraft from an objective description to a generative category. The generative nature of witchcraft is seen in its role to explain occurrence of unfortunate events as well as in regulating the conduct of people. b) The shift from describing to being generative lies in the fact that, description is the initial process used to come up with a category. Once a certain category of people or items is formed, they are used to generate and produce an intended outcome. Alternatively, they are linked to the generation of certain results. This way, the change in framework from descriptive to generative is enhanced. When this framework changes, explaining the history of a category shifts as well. This occurs in that, instead of giving the history of a category with respect to description, the generated outcome of the category is used to explain its history. In the Zande community, witchcraft is attributed to physiological factors. Consequently, it is associated with generating mysterious negative effects on man. However, with time, the association of categories such as witchcraft, with mysterious negativity derives a different meaning and there is need to shift the explanation. In the Zande community, witchcraft is considered to be generative in every aspect of the Azandes’ lives. Each and every mysterious occurrence in the lives of the Zande community is considered to be linked to witchcraft. Several claims are made with regard to witchcraft. For instance, among the Azandes, when blight attack groundnuts in the field, this is attributed to witchcraft. Also, if women tirelessly bail water from a pool and only manage to draw a few minuscule fish, witchcraft is said to be responsible for this mysterious occurrence. If a wife, contrary to other days, is unresponsive and gloomy, it is said that witchcraft is the cause. Evans-Pritchard has compared the occurrence of misfortunes in the Zande community to the occurrence of misfortunes among the African people. He has gone further to show that the Azande attribute witchcraft to a chain of causation for conditions which when looked at closely, relate a person to natural occurrences. Therefore, if the occurrence of events were to be understood in a more realistic manner, the explanation of generative categories would have to change. Evans-Pritchard has showed how this would be done. In all those circumstances where witchcraft was seen as the cause of misfortunes, it was during that particular moment that witchcraft was seen as the cause of the misfortune. This is perceived to mean that witchcraft is not solely responsible for every kind of bad luck. Therefore, the explanation would shift from a generalized understanding to a more specific one. Witchcraft, according to the people of Azande, is used to explain the occurrence of coincidence which causes harm to man. c) The shift from description to seeing categories as generative provides a way to think about rationality, irrationality or their interrelation. To examine this, the paper will look at the belief held by the people on what and who is associated with witchcraft. From a rationale point of view, this is just a timeless category without any basis or governing principle. The community of Zande can be termed as an irrational group because of the way they attribute witchcraft to occurrences which, a normal and ordinary person would attribute to natural calamity or mere coincidence. The Azande did not practice any rationality in as far as existence of phenomena is concerned. They do not believe in the existence of phenomena, much less mystical causation. They hold the view that witchcraft is the cause for that which happens mysteriously. The irrationality of the Azande is manifested by the fact that they cannot accept that things can occur through mere coincidence. They have used witchcraft to explain the occurrence of mysterious events. This is irrational of them as there are no facts to back up their ideology. The mere fact that witchcraft is a psychic act could also mean that it is attributed to some positive occurrences. However, this is not so as only the negative aspect of occurrences is linked to witchcraft. On the other hand, the Azande have applied some rationale in as far as why some things do happen. For example, the Azande are very much aware that termites eat up the support of a granary thus can fall or collapse at any moment. This is a show that the Azande think rationally. However, irrationality comes in when they relate witchcraft to the collapse of a granary in the presence of people. The Azande do apply rational thinking to explain occurrences but when a negative outcome is impacted on man, this is linked to witchcraft despite the fact that it may not necessarily be the case. This is the interrelation between rationality and irrationality within the category of witchcraft among the Azande.

Translation Project Essay Example for Free

Translation Project Essay Jean-Paul Vinay and Jean Darbelnet in their book Stylistique Comparee du Francaiset de l Anglais (1958) which is a comparative stylistic analysis of the different translation strategies and procedures used in French and English view equivalence-oriented translation as a procedure which replicates the same situation as in the original, whilst using completely different wording They also suggest that, if this procedure is applied during the translation process, it can maintain the stylistic impact of the SL text in the TL text. With regard to equivalent expressions between  language pairs, Vinay and Darbelnet claim that they are acceptable as long as they are listed in a bilingual dictionary as full equivalents. They talk about ‘direct’ and ‘oblique’ translation where ‘direct’ refers to literal translation and ‘oblique’ refers to free translation. Furthermore, they have proposed seven procedures, the first three covered by direct translation and the remaining four by oblique translation. Direct translation includes the processes of: 1. Borrowing 2. Calque 3. Literal translation Oblique translation includes the processes of: 1. Transposition 2. Modulation. 3. Equivalence 4. Adaptation The discussion to follow will be focusing on the explanation of these seven processes with reference to the novel by Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice ( Source text) and its Urdu translation by Professor Shahid Hameed as â€Å"Takkabur or Ta’asub† (Target text). 1. Direct Translation 1. 1. Borrowing Jeremy Munday in his book Introducing Translation Studies says that in borrowing â€Å"the SL word is transferred directly to the TL†. It is the idea of taking the word from the source language and maintaining it in the target language. It is considered the simplest of  the procedures and tends to be employed in two situations: either when discussing a new technical process for which no term exists within the target language, or when maintaining a word from the source language for stylistic effect, in which the translator uses the foreign term to add flavor to the target text. The advantage of borrowing strategy is that it brings an original connotation to the word in TL. 1. 2. Calque A calque is when an expression from the source text (ST) is transferred literally into the TT. Calques either follow the syntax of the TL while translating each word literally or ignore the  syntax of the TL and maintain the syntax of the SL, rendering the calque in an awkward syntactical structure in the TT. It has the same influence on the enhancement of cultural integration. However, sometimes this translation strategy will cause difficulties in conveying messages in the TL. 1. 3. Literal translation This is word for word translation. Vinay and Darbelnet describe it as being the most common between the languages of the same family and culture. The idea of translating word for word in a way that does not alter the meaning is considered an acceptable use of literal translation by the two scholars. Vinay and Darbelnet say that literal method is ‘unacceptable’ in these occasions: 1. 3. 1. It gives another meaning 1. 3. 2. It has no meaning 1. 3. 3. It is structurally impossible 2. Oblique Translation 2. 1. Transposition Vinay and Darbelnet referred to transposition as changing word class without changing meaning. This refers to when translators change the word type, such as from nouns to verbs. They considered transposition to be either obligatory or optional, and referred to the ST as the base expression and the TT as the transposed expression. According to Newmark transposition consists of four types of grammatical changes. The first type concerns words form and position, the second type of transposition is usually used when the TL does not have the equal grammatical structure of the SL. Newmark defines the third type as â€Å"the one where literal translation is grammatically possible but may not accord with the natural usage in the TL. † Transposition, here, offers translators a plenty of possible versions. Concerning the fourth type, it occurs when the translator uses a grammatical structure as a way to replace a lexical gap. 2. 2. Modulation The fifth of Vinay and Darbelnets procedures is modulation. Modulation is defined as â€Å"a change in point of view that allows us to express the same phenomenon in a different way. † In other words Modulation refers to rendering the TT from a different point of view to that of the ST. Vinay and Darbelnet consider this procedure to be necessary when the results of the former procedures would produce an awkward- sounding translation, despite it being grammatically, syntactically, and lexically correct. Modulation is a way for the translator to find a degree of naturalness in their TT without sacrificing any meaning or accuracy originating from the ST. The  application of this skill demands very much the translator’s capacity to mastering bilingual languages. 2. 3. Equivalence: It refers to a strategy to describe the same situation by ‘using completely different stylistic or structural methods’ for producing ‘equivalent texts’. Equivalence is not only useful but also necessary in translating idioms and proverbs. 2. 4. Adaptation: It refers to a method ‘used in those cases where the type of situation being referred to by the SL message is unknown in the TL culture’. Rather than operations on linguistic level, this strategy focus on phenomena or practices that are absent in the target  culture.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Performance in practice and reflective account

Performance in practice and reflective account Introduction Assessment has always been an indispensible part of the learning process. The process helps to evaluate whether the course program results in generating benefits for the individuals participating in it. However, the process of assessment is not focused in real term. As per the studies conducted by Gibbs (1999) and Elton Johnston (2002), around 10% of the tasks that the students do in their academics are not accessed at all. On considering the case of nursing, it is noted that the lack of assessment leaves the chances of patients and public to suffer. On the other hand, the regressive assessment process can help a lot to the people attached with it. Mentorship always plays an important role in the preparation of the student to work in the practical environment. In my course of mentorship, I work as the staff nurse at the operation theatre. Recently in our organization, we have implemented the force tread valley lab and Aatherny machine in our department. There are several complications attached with the machine, as not many people have used it in their learning courses. Thus, it becomes important for me to make the students learn about the machine, how to operate it, how to take care of any unexpected result etc. For this assignment, I had conducted assessment program to analyse the learning that the learners gain from this machine. Based on the assessment done, I have come up with some important findings related to the machine and learners as well. Therefore, hereon, I would be discussing the experience after the proper assessment of the learners for the force tread valley lab and Aatherny machine incorporated in our department. For better analysis results, I had a meeting with the associate health practitioner to understand the proper ways of evaluation. My talks with him had helped me a lot in reaching to my goals i n quite a professional manner. Assessment Methods The process of assessment should of such a kind that that the students are able to gain something from it. If the process of learning is found to have some flaws as per the assessment, it is better to make amendments in the learning process (Brown et al., 1997). Thereon raises the need of rigorous assessment process the mentor shall take right steps of assessment to reach to the right results. In case mentor does not take right steps to assess his students, the results can be pathetic for both the student and the patients in the future. Thus, there are number of assessment processes in place. Some of the most commonly used assessment processes include (ACGME, 2000):- Patient Surveys Patient surveys are used for the assessment of satisfaction with the clinics, hospitals and they include questions about the physicians care (Smee, 2004). The questions are used with some general aspects of the physicians care (time spent with the patient), physician competency (knowledge and skills, courtesy or empathy). Some more specific aspects of care include physicians explanations, treatment steps and drug side effects, listening skills. Typical survey method includes rating techniques with poor, fair, good, very good, excellent rating standards or agreements with the care describing statements by using yes or no statement. Each rating has given a value and then the satisfactions score is calculated by the average of all responses for generating single score or scores for different clinical care settings or activities Objective structured Clinical Examination In the OSCE method, one or two assessment tools are managed by almost 12-20 patient encounter stations. Each station lasts after 10-15 minutes. Candidates may complete the patient notes or a detailed written examination about some previous patients encounter. All candidates move from one station to other station with the sequence of same schedule. Standardized patients are considered as the primary assessment tools that are used in OSCEs but it includes data interpretation exercise with the clinical cases and clinical conditions with anatomical models for the assessment of technical skills. 360 degree evaluation method 360-degreee evaluation method includes measurement tools that are to be completed by multiple people under the persons sphere of influence. The evaluators are peers, subordinates, patients, families and supervisors. This evaluation process uses questionnaire to collect information about the performances of individuals on several topics such as communication, management skills, decision- making, teamwork etc. The process also include rating scales for the assessment that how the behavior is performed. Then the ratings are summarized for all type of evaluations by the topic and overall for the purpose of providing feedback. Chart stimulated recall oral examination (CSR) In the CSR, the examinees are assessed in the form of standardized oral examinations. A trained and experienced examiner asks the questions about care provided for the reasons behind the diagnoses, interpretation of clinical findings and some treatment plans. The examiners rate the examinee by using well established scoring procedure. The well designed CSR cases generally take 5 to 10 minutes for each one but the typical CSR process is of two hours with one or more than one examiners/ physician per separates sessions of 30-60 minutes. Written Examinations This is just the test using Multiple- choice questions to check for the performance on participants. Simulation and model Simulation methods are used to assess the clinical performances and that are close to the reality and attempt to reproduce (Novotny et al., 2006; Waltz et al, 2010). However, these are not used for duplicating real clinical problems. Here are some attributes for simulation methods allow the examinees for a reason through the clinical problems without any signal. They integrate some options, permit the examinees for making some threatening errors without any damage to the patient, provide feedback to correct the mistake done, give rating to the performances of examinees on some clinical problems, which are impossible at the time of evaluation effectively. Some simulation methods have been developed as PMPs (patient management problems), role- playing situation (clinical team simulations, standardized patients (SPs), anatomical models or the combination of these three types. Anatomical models are used for body organs for pathological findings to simulate the disease of patients. VR sim ulations (virtual reality simulations) use computers with anatomical models and that allows an assessment of procedural skills and other clinical tasks Hereon, in the case at hand, we had made use of Simulation and model technique. This technique seems to be the best choice for this task because the course relates to learning of the force tread valley lab and Aatherny machine that is recently implemented in our department. The simulated environment gives a number of options that relate to reality. The student can learn practically, using this approach. I gave the students an opportunity to perform in the real time environment. In this practical environment, students are able to perform practically, and even there is no risk of any patients health. Thus, the life is safe as well. Direct practice on an individual is quite a risky practice. Therefore, the risk free method shall be made into practice. Hereon, the assessment method suggested very good results for me. It was quite a fair way to assess anyone. There cannot be any sort of variation due to any reason. Even the chances of biasness are minimized using the approach. What matter s in this assessment method is the practical performance. Critical Reflection The learning process in nursing is of quite importance. The successors of the course are expected to be responsible for the lives of people in the future. Therefore, there is the need for proper assessment of an individual who enrols in the program. I was given an opportunity to assess the performance of my students. My students were performing well in the theory sessions. I found that the force tread valley lab and Aatherny Machine are quite crucial to in the nursing related activities. The students here in our course were trying to workout to learn how to make use of these devices in practice. One who makes use of both the machine and the knowledge of nursing is the actual nursing specialist, else knowing how to operate a machine would just make him limit to being a machine operator (Andrist et al., 2006; APA, 2008). The nurses are seen facing trouble in using technological devices since the mid 1960s (Sandlelowski, 2000). Thus, there is something, which acts as a hurdle against the process of learning to handle technological devices. The process suggests the right use of skills in order to gain from the machines. The skills of nurses are evaluated more and more using the usage skills of machines (Ferguson Calder, 1993), as t hese machines have become an indispensible part in ones nursing course process. Even the introduction of the machine in our department adds to the reason for learning the process of using machine. Hereon, the results I got from the performance of students was quite astonishing. I was happy to see that some of the students operated the machine in simulated environment in such a good manner that it seems that these students can operate in a real world environment as well. These students are expected to grow at a good rate within their career arena. However, the performance of some of the students was too bad. We are lucky that we have the assessment model of simulated environment, from which we can find out the students who are too weak to handle the practical situations. These students are too risky to operate in real term. Therefore, the right use of the simulated environment was of help for me to analyse the performance of students and their easiness to operate the machine. Based on the assessment, the weaker students are suggested to work out on their learning sessions. Machines are usually found tough to be used by the students in general (Brown Edwards, 2007; Anderson, 2000). The student needs to learn the process of using the machine along with implementation of their nursing knowledge, which is not an easy task. Therefore, the problem situation arises hereon. In our case, as our department did not make use of any machine in earlier days, but sudden incorporation of machine in our department had acted as a hurdle against our regular management operations. The need of proper knowledge in technical terms can help an individual to perform in a better manner. Thus, mentors are quite crucial to assess the students. I shall however keep an eye to maintain the standards as per the NMC (2006). This suggests me to assess thoroughly each of the students performance. This would help me in reaching to the right assessment decision. Conclusion The assessment has been an important player in the success of an individuals performance. Thus, I need to properly evaluate the students to understand their comfort with using the force tread valley lab and Aatherny Machine. The simulated assessment method used by me was quite a good choice. I was able to clearly analyse and evaluate the performance of individuals. Some of the students were though finding it tough to use the machine. This was mainly due to the reason that our organization did not use the machine earlier. Thus, it further added to the complexity of assessing the students. I found the successful candidates in this evaluation method were quite strong in their performance activities, and I expect the bright future of these individuals. The recent implementation of machine in our department acted as the major reason for this. The learning to use a machine is a time consuming process. It is expected that with due course of time, my students would be able to learn the way to use the machine. However, I have even planned extra sessions for those who do not perform well during my assessment sessions. These special sessions would be aimed to help the students in learning the areas they are lacking in. This way, I would be able to generate brighter talent from my department, which can be a great asset for future nursing.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

MADD: Mothers Against Drunk Driving Essay -- Expository Drinking Essay

MADD: Mothers Against Drunk Driving It is 2:20 in the morning when the phone rings. You are automatically startled and jump to pick it up after the second ring. That feeling in your stomach tells you that something is terribly wrong. It is the police on the other end of the line telling you that your daughter has been in a fatal accident. As the officer is talking, you seem to freeze and zone out. Your spouse is up now and takes the phone and talks to the officer to find out what is going on. You are in a state of shock as you both drive to the hospital so that you all can identify your daughter. When you become more coherent, you learn that a senseless fool who was drunk took your precious baby away from you. This is one phone call that parents all over America go to sleep praying every night that they will not get. It is horrifying to learn that your child has been in a car accident, but if the cause of the accident was a drunk driver then it is even worse. This is so because you know that it was someone’s cho ice to drink and drive and this led to the death of your child. Losing a child or a family member to drunk driving is hard fact to come to grips with. Losing someone you love is hard to deal with, yet when it is due to drunk driving it is hard for different reasons. There are support groups throughout the country that were created to aid people in dealing with the loss of some one that they loved. People who have to face these hardships need to know that there are others out there who want to help. Those suffering need to know ways in which they can support others in their same situation and ways in which they can help defeat the crime of drinking and driving. Probably the most famous group that helps people cope wi... ... audience and help get the message out that MADD wants to send. Mothers Against Drunk Driving is an organization that strives to stop drinking and driving, supports the victims of this crime and attempt to prevent underage drinking. This determined group of people is also known for the support that they give to the families of the victims. The websites of this organization are key in guiding those interested in helping or being helped. The websites are a great way to get involved in achieving their cause and learning more about MADD. Without the main website of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, some victims would go unsupported because of the lack of audiences. Works Cited MADD. 1 Oct. 2003. <>. MADD Illinois. 2 Oct. 2003. ( MADD: Mothers Against Drunk Driving. 2 Oct. 2003. (

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Futuristic Film, Bladerunner :: Movie Film Essays

The Futuristic Film, Bladerunner In this futuristic film, Harrison Ford is a Bladerunner, a man who by using an eye scanning machine and asking questions can determine if a person is really human or is rather genetically created. In the meantime, three of these non-humans find out they only have a four year lifespan and try to find a way, through foul means more than fair, to extend their lives. This culminates in a rather disturbing fight between the leader of these non-humans and Harrison Ford’s character. When one thinks of a futuristic movie that takes place in New York pictures of flying cars and strange cloths pop into the mind. These are in fact used. In addition to these items however, the city itself is portrayed in a very gloomy light. The very first scene of the movie is an aerial shot of the city at night. The audience can see noting but the outline of buildings and pinpricks of light that are the widows in these buildings. When we get down to street level we see other sources of light such as a digital billboard on the side of a building, car headlights, and light from nearby restaurants, but the overall feel is still dark and dismal. The buildings are all metal and it is constantly raining throughout the movie. Other things used to portray this dingy, dismal feel are open fires and trash in the streets. This feel of the city is contrasted when we go to the office of the man who created these non-humans. The sun is shinning so that we are blinded by it. One almost gets the feel that we are in Egypt because of the sun as well as the fact that the building is open having pillars rather than walls. We also see pyramid like buildings outside. But even this impression is temporary as the creator soon draws down a shade so that the Bladerunner can run his test on the girl. Another interesting portrayal of a building in this movie is the last one where the final battle is fought. It appears to be an abandoned department store as there are many floors and mannequins everywhere. It is literally falling apart, as we see when Harrison Ford crawls through a hole in the ceiling to get to another floor and when the non-human leader punches his head through the wall.

Essay on Variety in The Merchants Tale -- The Merchants Tale

Use of Variety in The Merchant's Tale  Ã‚   The Merchant's Tale tells the story of an old man searching for a wife and finding one, who is ultimately unfaithful to him. Chaucer uses a variety of elements in the poem to show his knowledge of contemporary interests and his story telling capacity through another figure. Irony flows through the poem, laced with allusions to the Bible. Chaucer's use of his astronomical knowledge not only allows modern day scholars to date events, but also adds another dimension of interest for the contemporary audience and of course, the pilgrims. Januarie's discussion of Heaven and Hell leads to the idea of marriage providing a Heaven on Earth. It is said that a wife is a husband's "paradis terrestre, and his disport" (l. 120), but at the introduction of the idea of a paradise, the reader can begin to contemplate the introduction of a serpent at a later point. Chaucer uses heavy irony as Januarie worries about experiencing his only Heaven on Earth. It becomes evident that May is anything but his Heaven. Her behaviour with Damyan in the pear tree is reminiscent of the story of Adam and Eve and the temptation of the apple tree as Damyan has become the serpent in Januarie's paradise of wedded bliss. The Biblical allusions that are used in the Tale have the effect of broadening the moral behind the story. By using the irony of the Biblical stories along with the thoughts of Januarie, a contemporary audience would have quickly perceived that there would be trouble with the marriage, as they would have been relatively well versed on the Bible. The priest at the marriage ceremony "bade [May] be lik Sarra and Rebekke" (l.492). While these two figures are held up as examples of holy and virtuous wom... ... the possibility, says Maurice Hussey, that Chaucer knew that St. Damian was the patron saint of medicine, thus giving ironic undertones to the sight-healing excuse for the pear tree tryst. Geoffrey Chaucer used many different aspects of his wide knowledge when writing the Merchant's Prologue and Tale. Biblical references and parallels with and inclusions of mythological characters are evidence of this. The appeal of such references to a medieval audience is extended with the inclusion of detailed and seemingly accurate astronomical minutiae. These details provide another level of information about the characters and their fates, such as the future of the marriage - it having been performed when the planet of war and the planet of love were in conjunction. Around these imaginative inclusions weaves a line of irony and a use of contemporary views and literature.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Children Should Start Being Responsible For Their Daily Chores By The Age of Three Essay

I have always believed that our experiences can help us become better individuals. I grew up   adjusting and adapting easily to my environment. Washing the dishes and cleaning the house was never an issue for me. I can do what was told, even if nobody helped me. I know that a lot of adults my age experienced the same thing. For this, I believe that children should start being responsible for their daily chores by the age of three.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Children nowadays are more technologically and intellectually advanced than before. They can easily comprehend what is being asked of them, and perform with the best of their abilities. The times have really changed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When I was young, my parents taught me how to do simple household chores. After playing with my toys, my parents would tell me to put them inside the toy box they provided for me. They explained to me that my toys should be placed all together in one place, and not scattered all over the house.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As a child, I did not feel that I was being tasked to do something. What was inculcated in my mind was the fact that I had to help my parents in maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of our house. This lesson was imprinted in me.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another reason that should be taken into consideration is the fact that children develop a strong sense of responsibility even at a young age. When my younger brother was born, I felt the need to assist my parents more. I knew that I should be more responsible in doing the household chores. I realized that I was not just living for myself, but I am also living for someone else. My parents showered me with their unconditional love, and I saw it as a reason   for me to carry over that love to my brother.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With these in mind, I   realized that I had to do more than what was initially expected of me when I was still an only child. In between diaper changes, my mom would ask me to bring out the used diapers and clean the mess. Initially, I had second thoughts, given that the dirty diapers were not appealing especially to children. She explained to me that as the older child, I should help in caring for my younger brother.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Soon after, my mom taught me how to operate the washing machine. She instilled in me that the amount of detergent used should be proportional to the weight of the clothes. By this, she revealed to me that nothing should be wasted.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One day, she told me that I should be the one to wash the dishes. When there were visitors, I should help them in the preparations and in cleaning up the mess. Other times, she left me in charge of other household chores. Those were the times when I became more independent of her supervision.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The flexibility of the children should also be taken into consideration. At a young age, children can still be taught what to do and what not to do. In terms of thinking and reasoning, these children can still adapt to their environment. They have not yet developed their stand on certain things and issues that continuously happen around them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A similar instance happened to my four-year-old niece.   I observed that she listened to what people tell her, and followed what was taught by her elders. She particularly listened to the instructions made by her parents and the older people she lived with at home. There was this particular situation wherein she willingly helped her mother set the table. Everyone who witnessed this particular occurrence were left at awe. It also left a good impression on how the parents raised their daughter into a responsible and caring child.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Another point that I want to raise is the fact that the lessons taught to children are carried on as they get older. Manners, in particular, are taught when children are still in their innocent stage. As the child grows, these manners are practiced and passed over on to their own children.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I remember this particular incident that happened in a restaurant. I was eating dinner with my friends when I suddenly blurted out a loud burping sound. I felt embarrassed, but quickly excused myself. My dad told me that I should be a gentleman while on the table. He also said that this was a simple deed that should always be practiced. He emphasized that having good manners reflect my personality and how I was raised by my parents.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Furthermore, they always reminded me to be courteous and polite to other people. Every time someone came over to visit us, I would greet them warmly and let them come inside of our house. I would offer them refreshments, initiate light conversations, and make them sense that they were very welcome in our home. Doing these made me feel that I was doing the right thing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Personally, I believe that the lessons taught to children at an early age are easily absorbed than those taught when they get older. This may be due to the fact that children have this unbiased way of comprehending things. Their minds are innocent, and are not yet tarnished by outside influences, such as money, politics, and other issues. this goes to show that a child’s mind can be easily manipulated by anyone. They base their perspectives on the lessons they learned as a child.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As a child, I was afraid to do things that would displease my parents. Until now, every time I am about to make a decision about certain matters, I think about how may parents would feel. Like this one time when I thought about shifting to another course. I had my own valid reasons in convincing everyone that shifting was the right thing to do. At the back of my mind, I thought about how my parents would react when I tell them my dilemma. I thought about my decision again, and finally opted not to shift because I realized that my parents were right.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I can also say that children follow what they see. Whenever my parents would do household chores, I would insist in helping them. Regardless of how difficult the situation was, I always insisted in giving my assistance. I felt that what my parents taught me was the right thing to do.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     I believe anyone’s parents are the greatest influences a person can have in his life. We mimic their actions because we believe that what they are doing is right. This is where we include the idea that how parents raise their children are reflected on the actions of these children.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the eyes of these kids, their parents are their role models, simply because there was no one else to look up to since their infancy. With this, if the parents set good examples to their children, the latter will be able to adapt and incorporate these elements in their actions. Otherwise, if the parents show their children dysfunctional manners, then there would be nothing else for the children to mimic but that.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another reason is the fact that children love to be appreciated. When I was younger, I felt really good about myself whenever my parents would appreciate the little things that I do.   In return, I would always help them out with everything, including the cleaning and maintenance of the house.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At such a tender age, my parents knew that I would copy their actions. This may be due to the fact that they were the only people I was exposed to. I can consider this as the simple logic behind it. I would also like to consider the fact that my parents truly love me. They wanted me to be a good person to others. How else would their lessons be instilled in me if they would not teach me the moment I could get a grasp of the world?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With the points I discussed in this essay, I firmly believe that children children should start being responsible for their daily chores by the age of three. This was supported by strong evidences from my own experiences as a child. Taken these in mind, I suggest that we should take care of our children. Their tender minds can be shaped into something extraordinary. By training them with basic things such as household chores, we contributing to the progress of this world. Let this be the start of a better future.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Monetary Policy vs. Fiscal Policy Essay

People always struggled with an idea of prosperity and success, whether it was a personal goal or whether it was aroundthing major(ip) like wealth of a coun install. Nowadays, we ar plaining a science, which is proficientfully signifi foott and valuable Economics. Economics is a in additionl for achieving those goals, knowledge that people justt joint aim and imply in f solveual life, and at the present time in all likelihood undividable occasion of brasss performances around the world. For us, students, in that respect ar two dissimilar matters we study Macrostintings, the study of the performance of national economies and Micro economicals, which focuses on the behavior of individual households, firms, and markets.During the fall nates of 2001, I was exposed to the basic ideas and uses of the Macroeconomics. Macroeconomics policies governing body solveions to improve the performance of the parsimony ar of start upicular concern to macroeconomists, as th e reference of macroeconomic insurancemaking as a major determinant of a nations economic health. Monetary and fiscal policies ar two policies that we were concent assessd on, and were the most meaningful part of the course for me. There is too lots involved in these policies and they move with each new(prenominal) consistently. I unconquerable to write this paper, summarizing the basic functions of two policies, act to formulate what it is that chance upons them work, how assembleive these two policies locoweed be, and how one fixs to an separate.In looking at the effectiveness of Monetary and monetary policies, it must(prenominal) be understood how the two relate to each other in spite of appearance the governing structure. The catereral out-of-doors Market citizens committee FOMC is the most important financial insurance policy-making body of the federal official obtain System. It is responsible for the formulation of a policy designed to promote economic growth, full employment, enduring prices, and a sustainable pattern of multinational trade and compensatements. The s even so Board segments take in a majority of the 12-member Federal Open Market Committee, the group that makes the key decisions touch on the cost and availability of gold and course commendation in the economy. The other five members of the FOMC are harbour Bank professorships, one of who isthe president of the Federal Reserve Bank of impudently York. The Board sort outs give requirements and shares the responsibility with the Reserve Banks for discount rate policy. The FOMC is the policy beef up of the Fed and the tasks of the Federal Reserve are to supervise banks, fixing maximum order of interests.The U.S exchequer, though it aids in much of the pecuniary precaution, represents the fiscal sector, which is the U.S Congress. Fiscal policy covers, such areas as revenue incomeation and other revenue gathering and disbursement measures. Fiscal poli cies are those actions that are enacted by the legislative Branch of the U.S government, the Congress. Their fiscal policies are enacted with the U.S exchequer. Therefore, the exchequer is the arm of fiscal policy and the Federal Reserve is the arm of monetary policy. For good example, even if Congress has allocated around fall of bills to take over weakness banks and savings and loans, and it is not enough, than the Fed can pump bang-up into the system by buying bank stocks. So, this is example of how the Fed interacts and influences the ups and downs of the economy.In looking at the consanguinity between the Fed and The Treasury, essentially, the Fed was set up to provide the U.S Treasury with a more satisfactory fiscal actor. In acting as the fiscal agent for the U.S Treasury, or more specifically, as the uncomplicated banker for the federal government, the Fed acts as pecuniary advisor, depository and receiving agent, agent for issuing and unemotional treasury secur ities, agent for other legal proceeding involving buys and sales of securities for Treasury account, agent for the government in purchasing and gold and abroad exchange, and lender to the Treasury.The Treasury influences monetary and opinion conditions as well, by its revenue and using up policies, its debt management policies relative to the size and fixing of its money sense of isotropy, and so on. As an promoter of monetary management, the Treasury keeps its money balance in change in the vaults as Treasury deposits at the Federal Reserve, and Treasury deposits at commercial banks.Owing to the full s raising of Treasury operations, these policies stick marked effect on monetary and credit conditions, specially over periods. Ordinarily, the Treasury does not use these powers for intentional and continuous monetary management this is primarily the function of the Federal Reserve. However, it does try to use its powers in such a way as to avoid creating spartan proble ms for the Federal Reserve, and on occasion, it uses them intentionally to add-on Federal Reserve policies.The following is an example of how this occurs. The Treasury can implement inhibitory actions. For example, the Treasury change magnitudes it money balance $1 billion by levying the mankind or selling securities to the general. When the Treasury cashes the checks, the domain loses $1 billion of its deposits. If the Treasury holds these deposits at commercial banks, this is the extent of the effect the reserve positions of the banks are un goed. But if the Treasury uses the $1 billion to build up its cash in vault or its deposits at the Federal Reserve, member banks reserves provide be reduced by $1 billion.Basically, if we find an increase in the Treasurys money balance, this run aways to be confining un slight the Treasury acquires the extra money by borrowing from the Federal Reserve. If it acquires the money balance by valueing the public or selling securities to it, the publics money supply is flat decreased. If it acquires money by selling securities to commercial banks, the publics money supply is not directly decrease, but the ability of the banks to create deposits for the public is reduced because they must use some their reserves to support the Treasury deposit. However, given the size of any increase in the Treasurys balance, the degree of unpermissiveness depends on the form in which it is held. On the other hand, the Treasury can affect monetary policy, by easing restrictions as well. Sometimes the Treasury utilizes liberalizing actions in a positive way to ease credit to supplement Federal Reserve actions. to a greater extent often, however, it uses them to avoid creating conditions that would make the job of the Federal Reserve more difficult.Given, this information, we can find what the relationship is between theFederal Reserve and the U.S Treasury. They often complement each other and balance each other out. However, the tip job of the Federal Reserve is to act as the federal government bank, as well as regulating monetary policy, credit regulations, and supervising function of member banks. The U.S Treasury is the element of the government, which collects money from the public, both through the sale of securities or through imposeation. The U.S Treasury is that arm of the government, which provides the government with money it needs to operate, which of course is part of fiscal policy operations. The Fed is the bank that the Treasury uses for its banking needs, to be it in the most simple terms.***We were all shocked by catastrophe that happened on September 11, 2001. There was a tremendous impact on the stallion world by that event. People were intemperately affected emotionally same as financially. Many lives were interpreted by the coward act of those who responsible for such disaster. The US approach a rate of consequences followed by some bumps on its way to the future. Unbelievable ec onomic downturn made all sectors of the economy to suffer this impact and force them to make decisions, which they probably didnt thought of. Because Fiscal and Monetary Policy live with a straight connection to the several actions taken by the government to arrive at vitiated economy, I decided to cover what is freeing on right now within government structure and briefly explain what people should expect from policymakers, who are doing their crush to respond to these obstacles, which we are facing right now, as quick as possible.Considering that right aways U.S. economy is already in mild recession and many indicators show it might face the most dreadful economic downturn since 1970s of the survive century, President Bush and his administration called for supererogatory stimulus package for fiscal 2002. Policymakers in Washington are considering a number of actions that could stimulate the economy. Among them the options being considering are levy supplys that could t horn consumption or initiatement, and extra federal transcending that could directly increase economic activity.Republicans are the majorities in the category ofRepresentatives and Democrats, who control the Senate, look at very different and opposite visions about ways to stimulate the U.S. economy. Republicans consider that economic growth is generated through investments by businesses, which encouraged by clippings in appraise revenuees and levy rates. Democrats support the proposal that stimulates consumer pass oning such as through assess rebates for low-income, extensions of unemployment insurance, and government outgo to promote twist and other infrastructure.A several weeks ago, the hall Ways and Means Committee have passed a $100 billion economic stimulus package main part of which 85% for perpetual tax cuts, loosely for corporate tax cuts. The major components of this pattern areElimination of the corporate selection minimum taxes and refunds AMT credit s.This is a most controversial point of the House Republicans proposal. The minimum tax was designed to make profitable companies to pay a basic amount even if they owe no corporate income tax because of some deductions. Democrats support the fairness of this tax cut but disagree with its ex post facto method because although these refunds would effectively reduce the tax rate on corporate income but those compensations for the previous investment, not new investment. take into account 30% immediate expensing write-off for purchase of capital assets over the next trine geezerhood.Reduce the maximum tax rate on desire-term capital assimilate from 20% to 18%.Deductions of net losses from taxes paid up to five years earlier.Republicans argue that all these corporate tax cuts are necessary to encourage businesses to invest more into new capital because businesses would have more income or retained earnings. And as a result it would spur the economy. Democrats disagree. They arrang e that businesses would notnecessary to invest some of any tax cuts give be saved or businesses can but to pay down their debts or to spend them for dividends to their stockholders and maybe only small part would go into new investment.Permanent cut in the former 28% tax cut rate to 25% would be accelerated to 2002.Democrats argue that this tax cut would be more effective if it will be temporary rather than permanent tax cut because this acceleration importantly shorten government revenue in later years and in the long run the government cant afford these rates cuts. Moreover, most of the tax relief would benefit only the top one-quarter of all income tax filers, who are apparent to save more and spend less from tax cuts than those who have lower incomes and tend to spend whatever extra income they have. That is wherefore Democrats support the proposal to send additional tax rebates for low-income workers, because the more rebate is spend the more effective it is as a stimulus. Democrats want to freeze marginal tax reduction in previous 39.6 hold to 38.6% rather to decline it. It would save approximately $100 billion between 2002 and 2011.Democrats have proposed a smaller package with furthest fewer and temporary tax cuts and importantly more new spending 75% of the stimulus plan. They support the ways that spur consumer spending that has kept the economy rudderless such as through tax rebates for lower income workers, expansions of unemployment insurance and government spending for construction and other infrastructure. For instance, temporary changes in the unemployment insurance program or any additional benefits provided would likely be spend and go directly to output. Public capital investments involve direct government purchases of goods and run and therefore directly add strike into economy.